Media Appearances and Interviews
-Interviewed by The Current (Nova Southeastern University’s student-run paper) about the importance of the Holocaust museum on campus (January 23rd, 2025). “Holocaust Museum Educates the Community against Hate.”
-Interviewed by Dr. Amanda Furiasse (Nova Southeastern University) for the Applied Humanities Podcast episode, “The Holodomor through History: Dr. John Vsetecka on Famine and Its Global Impacts.” (November 10th, 2024).
-Interviewed by the First Person Arts team for their First Person Arts Podcast episode, “Ukrainian Stories from Philly: History with Professor John Vsetecka.” (October 2, 2024).
-Interviewed by The Current (Nova Southeastern University student-run paper) about my research on the 1932-1933 Holodomor and our forPeace humanitarian aid work in Ukraine (September 26th, 2024). “Professor relates research to Ukrainian relief aid.”
-Interviewed by El Mercurio (Chile’s newspaper of record) about the trajectory of the Russo-Ukrainian War at its two-year mark (February 24th, 2024). “La guerra en Ucrania entra en su tercer año bajo una creciente fatiga e incertidumbre: Con poco movimiento en las líneas de combate, el conflicto ha entrado en una etapa de desgaste que podría favorecer a Putin.”
-Interviewed by Coda Story about the Russo-Ukrainian War and its impact on teaching about the region in American universities (February 24th, 2023). “The war in Ukraine triggered a reckoning in universities.”
-Interviewed by 850 KOA Radio News (iHeartRadio affiliate) about the one-year mark of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine (February 21st, 2023). “MSU Instructor John Vsetecka talks about one year of war in Ukraine.”
-Interviewed by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty about Ukrainian Studies in American universities (January 1st, 2023). “Moscow’s Invasion of Ukraine Triggers ‘Soul-Searching’ At Western Universities As Scholars Rethink Russian Studies.”
-Interviewed by Shevchenko Scientific Society (Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка) for their “Member of the Month” series (May 13th, 2022). “Member of the Month: John Vsetecka.”
-Interviewed by The State News about my experience in Ukraine and Poland as a result of Russia’s war on Ukraine (April 4th, 2022). “Meet John Vsetecka: The Fulbright scholar who had to flee Ukraine.”
-Interviewed by Dr. Rachel Gillett of Utrecht University for the Unsettling Knowledge podcast from the UGlobe Decolonisation Group about the war in Ukraine as well as Ukraine’s history (March 28th, 2022). “Unsettling Knowledge #10: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Part One.”
-Interviewed by Fox47 News in Lansing, MI about my time in Ukraine and work with refugees in Poland (March 22nd, 2022). “MSU grad student who was in Ukraine and Poland as the war began talks about time there helping refugees.”
-Interviewed by 850 KOA Radio News (iHeartRadio affiliate) about updates regarding Russia’s war against Ukraine and the refugee crisis in Poland (March 22nd, 2022). “John Vsetecka a Fulbright Scholar to Ukraine on his return to America.”
-Interviewed by 850 KOA Radio News (iHeartRadio affiliate) about the refugee crisis in Poland (March 14th, 2022). “John Vsetecka Fulbright Scholar Studying in Ukraine Live from Warsaw.”
-Interviewed by Reader’s Digest about Russia’s war against Ukraine and its historical context (March 10th, 2022). “The Complicated Ukraine-Russia War, Explained in Simple Terms.”
-Interviewed by Scott Gabriel Knowles for the COVID-Calls podcast about the war in Ukraine and my research on the aftermath of famine (March 9th, 2022). “Ukraine and Disaster: Past and Present.”
-Interviewed by 850 KOA Radio News (i Heart Radio affiliate) about Russia’s war against Ukraine (March 2nd, 2022). “John Vsetecka Fulbright Scholar Studying in Ukraine Live from Warsaw.”
-Interviewed by NBC-affiliated station Michigan WILX 10 News about Russia’s war against Ukraine (March 1st, 2022). “Ukraine invasion hits close to home for East Lansing man.”
-Interviewed and featured in The Washington Times about my work helping refugees who fled Ukraine due to war (February 28th, 2022. “Unlikely volunteers step up for Ukrainians fleeing the war.”
-Interviewed by 850 KOA Radio News (i Heart Radio affiliate) about my evacuation out of Kyiv, Ukraine (February 25th, 2022). “John Vsetecka Fulbright Scholar Studying Ukraine Live from Poland.”
-Interviewed by National Public Radio (NPR) about my evacuation out of Kyiv due to Russia’s war against Ukraine (February 18th, 2022). “Despite the threat of war, some Americans in Ukraine are staying put.”
-Interviewed and consulted by El Debate, a Spanish media outlet, about Kyiv’s bomb shelters (February 14, 2022). “Ucrania desempolva sus búnkeres de la Guerra Fría.”
-Interviewed by National Public Radio (NPR) about the history of the 1932-1933 famine in Soviet Ukraine (Holodomor) and the relevance of it to Russian war threats (January 31, 2022). “From Stalin to Putin, Ukraine is still trying to break free from Moscow.”
-Interviewed by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) about my evacuation from Ukraine (January 25, 2022). “Americans Out: Ukrainians Confront Mixed Messaging As War Threat Looms.”
-Interviewed by Dr. Emily Roberts for her podcast “Personal Finance for PhDs” (January 2019). The episode is titled “Negotiating PhD Funding Offers: This Grad Student Did It Successfully.”
Publications Concerning Russia’s War Against Ukraine
-"Russia is Destroying Monuments as Part of War on Ukrainian Identity,” with Yevhenii Monastyrskyi. Atlantic Council’s UkraineAlert Blog (August 6th, 2024). Link:
-“Scholarly Activism for Ukraine as an Antidote for War Fatigue.” Наукове Товариство Ім. Шевченка Бюлетень 53-54 (Shevchenko Scientific Society Bulletin, December 2022). Link:
-“On 90th Anniversary of Holodomor, Michigan Should Stand with Ukraine.” Op-ed for the Lansing State Journal (November 29th, 2022). Link:
-“Working Together in Warsaw and Beyond: The Creation of forPeace’s Ukraine Relief Project Team” as part of the Temerty Contemporary Ukraine Program’s (TCUP) new series, Volunteering for Ukraine, on the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) website (August 16th, 2022). Link:’s-ukraine-relief-project-team.
-“Let Ukraine Speak: Integrating Scholarship on Ukraine into Classroom Syllabi” in Clio and the Contemporary (July 3rd, 2022). Link: This article also appeared in Spanish as “Dejar a Ucrania hablar: propuestas para un estudio académico” on the site Informe Oriente Medio(translated by Manuel Férez Gil). Link:
-“What Remains: The Reverberations of War in Poland and Ukraine” in The New Fascism Syllabus (March 28th, 2022). Link:
-“My Experience as a Fulbright Scholar in Ukraine,” in Michigan State University’s MSU Today (March 15th, 2022). Link:
-“A Long Road in and a Short Road out,” in Contingent Magazine (February 21st, 2022). Link:
Other Publications
“Spotlight on Academic Blogs: An Interview with Blog Editors at H-Russia, H-Ukraine, The Jordan Center Blog, and Peripheral Histories?” in ASEEES NewsNet Vol. 64 No. 3 (May 2024). Link:
“A Future Most Uncertain: Graduate Studies and the Pandemic” in the Department of History’s (Michigan State University) Spring 2021 Newsletter (May 2021). Link:
“The Aftermath of Famine: Contending with Legacies of Holodomor” as part of the blog series for the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota (February 15th, 2021). Link:
“The Challenges of COVID-19 for Graduate Students” on Feeding the Elephant: A Forum for Scholarly Communications(November 18, 2020). Link:
“Desecration of genocide monument marks a new low in Ukraine’s memory wars” in the Atlantic Council’s UkraineAlert blog (September 2020). Link:
“The Fate of Graduate Research in a Time of Pandemic” in ASEEES NewsNet Vol. 60 No. 3 (June 2020). Link:
“A Postcard from St. Louis, MO” as part of the Conference Postcards series from Contingent Magazine (May 2020). Link:
“The 1946-1947 Famine in Lviv, Ukraine,” as part of the Research Postcards series from Contingent Magazine (June 2019). Link: